Before and
afterschool club @
Pavilion Childcare Quorn

Wrap around childcare for primary school children

All year round childcare provided from the extensive space of Quorn's Cricket Pavilion. 

Opening hours

We are open daily from 7.30am offering a before school breakfast club. After school club is open until 6pm.


Before school from 7.30am £6 (with breakfast)
Before school from 8am £4.50 (no breakfast)
Afterschool until 5pm £9 
Afterschool until 5.30pm £11.25 
Afterschool until 6pm £13.50 
all afternoon sessions include an evening meal

Holiday club

please see tab at the top for the next holiday club dates

Making the most of our outdoor space.

fun, exercise, team games,
den building and
creative play.


crafts, creative play, sports, den building and parties

Home cooked meals

Fresh home made food served daily.

After school meal


Sausage mash and veg.
Spaghetti bolognaise.
Jacket potatoes.
Fishfingers chips and beans.
Roast chicken dinner.
and many more 

Sitting together like an extended family.


Children are encouraged to try a wide variety of healthy foods. Children sit and eat together using their manners to help boost their British values.


Breakfast is served from 7.30 till 8.15

We offer a variety of cereals, fruit and toast served with fresh fruit juices, and if you have a birthday we will have pancakes too.

About me

Helen Stocks

Ofsted Registered childminder

 I have lived in Quorn all my life. I attended the local primary school and some of my teachers are still there!!! I took further education training as a chef at Loughborough College, after finishing my course I became the youngest landlady in the country becoming the licensee of the White Hart at 18. After I left the pub, I took a part time job as a chef at a private school in Leicester. My love of teaching must have been quite apparent as I was quickly offered a position as a teaching assistant to the lower school and girl’s games and home economics teacher for the upper school. I left the school to set up my childminding business in 2012 when I became a mother to James now 10. My business has now outgrown my home so I decided to start working from Quorn Cricket Pavilion to enable me to offer a higher quality before and after school club making full use of the space available to us and benefiting from the close proximity of the school.

Ofsted registration EY441607

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